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And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image
from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.

Behold God. This invitation comes from God himself, who wants you to know him and who wants to be known. God reveals himself on every page of Scripture, inviting anyone who is willing to come and see his glory. But it gets even better—this offer comes with an amazing promise: when you see God’s glory in his Word, you will be changed. Beholding God results in transformation. The glory of God is that powerful! From one degree of glory to another, believers grow to reflect his nature more and more. Will you accept his gracious invitation? Like Moses, you can pray, “Please show me your glory” (Ex. 33:18), and then open your Bible with a humble, eager heart to get glory from God.

This site provides Bible studies and Bible study tools to help equip the body of Christ in this journey of beholding God’s glory through his Word. Each study was originally designed for small group use in a local church—because God designed biblical change to happen in conjunction with fellow believers united in Christ together.

Bible Studies for Adults

Bible studies are available as FREE downloadable PDF files as well as hard copy books for purchase. Downloadable files also come with binder cover graphics and printing instructions. You can download any of the supplemental material for each study as a separate file as well. Click the study for access to all available options and complementary materials.

Lives that Adorn the Gospel
An Inductive Study of Titus 2 Designed for Women
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Consider Him
A study focusing on Jesus Christ as revealed within the gospel accounts.
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In Pursuit of Glory
A Bible Study Rooted in the Attributes of God
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Wisdom with Shoes On
A Study of the Book of Proverbs for More Seasoned Students of the Word
What Do I Know About My God
A 12 Week Bible Study from the Psalms
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Help your 8-12-year-old children learn how to behold Christ through His Word with these studies geared just for them. Just like adult studies, these are designed to be printed, cut, and hole-punched for three-ring binders. Shorter studies can simply be printed and folded into booklets. All studies will also be available as hard copies from Amazon as well. We will be continually adding to the collection, so stay posted!

Latest Release

Through many years of study, Ken Collier captured four key truths from Scripture that helped him face trouble in his own life. He called them his “four stabilizing truths.” Adapted from his original principles, this simple Bible study provides a guide for personal application of each truth. Even in the most unsettling of times, followers of Christ can safely navigate the storms of life, as they anchor their hearts and minds in unchanging truth from God’s Word.

Copies can be purchased from Amazon using the buttons below.

About the Author

Kelly Collier was born into a career army family and spent most of her childhood outside of the continental US. God used the faithful witness of her mom to bring her to faith in Christ as a young girl. Kelly met Matt in a college English class, and they were married just after graduating from a Christian university in 1997. Matt went on to attend seminary and graduated with a Master of Divinity degree in 2001. During those years, the Lord opened up many opportunities to travel and work with camps around the world. Soon after graduating from seminary, the Colliers returned to The Wilds to establish CampsAbroad as a resource for missionaries and nationals seeking to use Christian camping to minister to young people. This global ministry has served teenagers in more than 50 countries. In addition to CampsAbroad, Matt served as pastor at Bethany Baptist Church for 14 years. It was during these years that many of the Bible studies on this website were developed, specifically to help ladies engage in deeper Bible study. Kelly is passionate about knowing God and helping others come to know Him in a personal way. The Lord has given Matt and Kelly three children: Gabe, born in March of 2005; Jeriah, born in September of 2010 and joining the Collier family in March of 2012; and Levi, born in December of 2012. Kelly is a certified member of ACBC and currently pursuing a masters in Biblical Counseling.

What Others Have to Say

Prepare to be Changed

Kelly Collier is a serious student of God’s Word. Her passion to know God through His Word is reflected in the studies she’s written over the years. If your heart desires to know God more fully, these studies will help you in your journey. Kelly encourages you to dig deep into Scripture to uncover the vast riches and treasures found in its pages. But she doesn’t leave it there…she makes practical application of truth so that lives are changed to be more like Christ…and isn’t that the purpose of God’s Word? Pick a study, take your time working through it, and be prepared to be changed.

Sharon Steuerwald
Member of Bethany Baptist Church

Learn to be a student, not just a reader.

There was a time in my life when I recognized the difference between being a reader of God’s Word and a student of God’s Word. There is great spiritual value in learning to slow down to carefully observe what the text says, accurately interpret the text, and personally apply it.
The Bible studies that Kelly Collier has authored have been a helpful tool in my personal journey to becoming a student of God’s Word.
As a pastor’s wife, I have used these studies with my fellow sisters in Christ and found them to benefit our church body greatly. Women of all Bible study skill levels will find these studies accessible. You will find yourself challenged to develop Bible study skills as you dive deeper into God’s word. These are not typical fill-in-the-blank studies; instead, they will challenge your thinking to help you know Truth and accurately interpret and apply it to your life.

Becky Fant
Pastor's Wife

Right Thinking Produces Right Actions

From the study In Pursuit of Glory, I have learned that spiritual growth means changing my thinking, not just my actions. Carefully working through this study has helped me identify areas where I had misconceptions about God’s character. I have seen God change the way I think about His sovereignty, justice, and mercy, and that allows me to act toward others with much more patience and love.

Hannah Rowley
Church Member